Vitamin D is getting a lot of attention in the media lately, largely thanks to it’s proven benefits in regarding the immune system and general health.

Vitamin D is one of the great supplements.

It has long been studied, and proven, to have major benefits when it comes to bone and muscle health.

Without Vitamin D, your bones cannot absorb calcium, and without sufficient calcium, your bones will become brittle and susceptible to breaking.

Children who do not get enough Vitamin D can become prone to a wide range of health conditions, including rickets.

This can cause bone deformities including stooped posture and bone weakness.

Of course bone strength and muscle density has a direct correlation, and it has been found individuals with higher lean muscle mass had naturally high levels of Vitamin D.

Japanese researchers advise against vitamin D supplementation for ...

It is these reasons that have led too many scientists saying that Vitamin D levels in people may be at dangerously low levels.

This is due to recent isolation events and “stay at home” orders that have become commonplace throughout the first half of 2020.

What many people do not realise is that sunlight naturally converts the bodies Cholesterol into Vitamin D.

While staying inside might help with isolation orders common across the world, it doesn’t help with getting natural vitamin D.

Beating any rampant virus will count for little if everyone’s vitamin D levels have depleted there is a broken/brittle bone epidemic!

But Vitamin D also has a powerful ability to not only boost immune health, but actually fight disease.

A landmark study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition proved that individuals with high levels of the supplement had a signficiantly reduced likelihood of developing the flu.

Two further, and earlier, studies showed that getting adequate amounts of Vitamin D reduced the risk of multiple sclerosis.

It also reduced the chance (by up to 50%) of contracting heart disease.

Vitamin D however, in the same way it enables calcium with bones, also can unlock the intricacies of the immune system.

It enables the macrophages (a large white blood cell critical to immune function) in lungs to generate an antimicrobial peptide called cathelicidin.

This peptide kills viruses and bacteria directly.

Vitamin D also fine tunes the activity of other immune cells.

This ensures the virus fighting powerhouses like the B and T cells (which control long term responses) operate at full capacity.

There is plenty of evidence supporting the need for high levels of Vitamin D and the fact it should be part of everyone’s supplement arsenal.

To see Supplement City’s Vitamin D range, click here.