

Valeo Ab Wheel

Ab Wheel Description from Valeo
The Valeo Ab Wheel helps define your abdominals as well as your arms, shoulders and back. Lightweight and portable, the Ab Wheel can be used practically anywhere.

-Dual wheels for greater stability
-Easy-grip handles to prevent slippage
-Fitness guide with exercises enclosed

Target Training: 6 minutes, 5 times a week, is all you need to target your:
-Upper Body, including the core muscles

Benefits: Roll your way into shape as you tighten and flatten your abs. The rhythmic motion of the Ab Wheel will help strengthen your shoulders, arms and back while helping you develop core muscles for the perfect six-pack.

Use on a flat surface that is clean, dry and free of projections.

Always consult your Physician/General Practitioner before performing any physical activity. Always check equipment for worn or damaged parts before and after each use. Do not use if damaged.

Target Training: 6 minutes, 5 times a week, is all you need to target your:
-Upper Body, including the core muscles

-Use on a flat surface that is clean, dry and free of projections.



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