
/By Supplement City

Why you should never take SARMS

SARMS continue to be sold throughout the supplement’s world and are still being marketed as “safe and legal” alternatives to steroids. The reality is that their sale is illegal in Australia, while the World Anti-Doping Agency way back in 2008 banned them – placing them under the S1 Anabolic Agent...
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/By Supplement City

What is testosterone?

At no point in human history has testosterone in men been so low. We have never been more stressed and we are forced to think about more things than ever before. There are more airborne factors (such as radiation) in the air while poor diets and lack of exercise are...
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/By Supplement City

11 ways to commit to the gym

So it is 2020 and you have finally joined the gym! The most important thing to say is congratulations. The simple reality is signing up is the most important first step of joining the gym, a relationship that will lead to you becoming a better version of yourself. But where...
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