William Llewellyn’s Sports Supplement Guide

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William Llewellyn’s Sports Supplement Guide

William Llewellyn’s Sports Supplement Guide gives a full description of which supplements really work, and which ones don’t – this is THE definitive encyclopedia of performance enhancing supplements

Whether you are looking to increase muscle size, strength, or overall athletic performance William Llewellyn’s sport supplement reference guide is your key to maximising results, minimising costs, and avoiding dissapointment.

Authored by one of the most trusted researchers in the field the sport supplement reference guide is an in depth review of the most popular performance supplements available.

With more than 500 medical citations you will see for yourself what ingredients are backed by credible independent clinical studies, and which ones are based on marketing hype. Full descriptions of how effective supplements can be used to their maximum potential.

This book puts the performance science at your fingertips, and takes the guesswork out of sport supplementation.

What you can expect from Sport Supplement Reference Guide:
•An overview of the sport supplement industry
•Protein primer and how to choose the right type of protein for your needs.
•Types of Carbohydrate Supplementation.
•Vitamin and Mineral overview.
•Supplement Ingredient Profiles of over 40 different ingredients. Each profile has its own rating based on clinical studies and empirical evidence.
•Rules for Effective Supplement Shopping and Consumer Empowerment. This section will help you stop wasting money on worthless supplements.
•Goal orientated sample supplement cycles takes the guess work out what supplements needed for your goal.

William Llewellyn's Sports Supplement Guide


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