Elite Labs Metabolic Mass (2.7kg)



Elite Labs Metabolic Mass

You can’t call yourself a hard gainer anymore when you’re on Elite Labs Metabolic Mass!

How do you stop your fast metabolism from sabotaging all your gains so you can finally get jacked like everyone else? You get on Metabolic Mass™, that’s what you do!

Metabolic Mass™ is the most anabolic mass builder yet, giving you 2,130 calories, 60 grams of anabolic protein, 12 grams of BCAAs, 12.8 grams of glutamine, and 465 grams of 100% hardgainer-approved carbohydrates to help overpower your fast metabolism so you can finally pack on slabs of new muscle.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult a qualified professional before undertaking any health, fitness or dietary program.

Elite Labs Metabolic Mass


Consistency is the #1 key to getting huge. Be consistent with your workouts. Be consistent with working hard. And consistently get enough calories to grow. That’s why we highly recommend using Metabolic Mass™ every day.

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