Nutrex HMB 1000 (120 Capsules)



Nutrex HMB 1000

Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate” (HMB) is a compound derived from the breakdown of the amino acid leucine. It is a subject of interest in nutritional science and is commonly used as a dietary supplement.

Areas of study regarding HMB include:

  • Its role in the context of muscle metabolism.
  • Research into its association with muscle development.
  • Research into its association with muscle preservation.
  • Discussions on its potential impact on exercise-related outcomes.
  • Observations on its usage in conjunction with physical activity and health.

Nutrex HMB 1000



Take 1 serving (2 capsules) three times per day. Regular exercise and proper nutrition are essential for achieving your goals. As individuals vary so may results from using this product.


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