Most Schiek products are made in the USA and all of them have been born from customer and dealer requests. Our company offer products that our customers want and are asking us for! We are grateful to each and every customer that chooses to use our product! We put all our oars in the water in March of 1991 and set out to market the finest Belt the world had yet known. We have maintained that same passion, integrity, credibility, and customer service ever since. Today our products are sold in over 85 countries worldwide and offers over 50 product lines.
Try Our Wrist Wraps, They are an all in one combination of the best in comfort and durability, lasting up to five times longer than conventional wraps. These heavy duty wraps are made from cotton elastic for maximum support and have an extra wide hood and loop closure for sustainability. Available in both 24″ and 12″. As always, made in the USA.