Betancourt Micronized Glutamine (525g)



Betancourt Micronized Glutamine

Betancourt Micronized Glutamine is manufactured in our cGMP facility in Miami, Florida. This ensures that our facilities comply with all Food and Drug Administration regulations and requirements for the manufacturing of nutritional supplements. Every single raw material used in our products is identity tested before production at a minimum and all finished products are submitted to rigorous quality control and assurance processes and procedures prior to being released to inventory. Guaranteeing the quality and safety of every bottle of Betancourt Nutrition product continues to be at the core of our business and our vision.

✔ Spare muscle glutamine stores and reduce muscle protein catabolism

✔ Stimulate glucose synthesis

✔ Enhance recovery from training

✔ Support arginine and nitric oxide (NO) levels

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult a qualified professional before undertaking any health, fitness or dietary program.

Betancourt Micronized Glutamine


As needed, mix 5 grams of glutamine with water, milk or juice. You can supplement with glutamine on non-training days as well to take advantage of its insulin regulating and muscle preserving effects.

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